First Floor Power
There Is Hope
Celebrating the 20 years anniversary for this cult classic debut album from the one and only First Floor Power. The Swedish quartet released their debut album 'There Is Hope' on Silence Records in 2001 with a bang. Produced together with keyboard maestro Jonas Jonasson (Bob hHnd) the album sounded not like anything else around then. And it still holds a wild, unique vibe and atmosphere. The two first reviews of the album were not holding it back. The free entertainment magazine Nöjesguiden published a review stating it was the worst album of the year and that the band looked silly (the reviewer also, in the same edition, gave The Knife's debut album an equally low review and then he quit writing for the magazine...). The legendary music writer Lennart Persson said the opposite of 'There Is Hope,' calling it "one of the best albums ever made in Sweden." And from there on, people loved having strong opinions on this debut album which now finally, 20 years later, will be released on vinyl for the first time. Comes with lyric insert. Limited edition of 300 copies. Grab it while you can!