Higher price. Z-rated is the new CoH album and its release coincides with the premiere of Zebraman 2, a follow-up to a superhero cinematic farse by Takashi Miike, and the record carries many ironic connotations found in the original film. Yet Z-rated is so much more... It is a reference to the raw power of no-budget creation below that of B-movies, to the last position, even the extreme one. The album contains pieces from various years, as far back as early 90-ies, music that was hitherto kept hidden and revealed at last, obscure and odd tracks, unreleased material, rare live recordings... Diverse in style and form, Z-rated undoubtedly carries Ivan's own uninhibited touch all in power and finesse characteristic to all of the CoH productions. Z-rated, an essential? Probably yes. Limited pop up jaw CD edition of 1000 copies.