Iranair Inflight Magazine
The title "Iran Air Inflight Magazine" refers to the Iranair civil aeroplane shut down by the American military. For the artwork we used found east European airforce propaganda material and the Iran air logo. This Muslimgauze will be hard to categorise: all is new material, pure Muslimgauze, percussive but not the dance style nor the ambient dub or distorted sound. It's much more a new minimal repetitive and dry sound, most of the music is arranged percussion and some Arab text fragments appear every now and then. This album shows strong links with the first Muslimgauze released on Bryn Jones own label Limited Records, but also clearly shows his way of working shortly before he passed away. Again Bryn has proven to make music in a clear Muslimgauze style which jumps across a wide variety in genres. Industrial music for desert wars.