Attack Of The Voo-dooms
The Voo-Dooms purvey a trashy, sci-fi voodoo caveman garage punk sound, perfect to get any bone-a-shakin'-and-a-twistin', sending zombies into a frenzy throughout any mortuary in the land! Somewhat a supergroup, The Voo-Dooms feature garage-punk veterans Bruce Brand (The Pop Rivets, The Milkshakes, Thee Headcoats, The Masonics, etc.), Dan Whaley (The Dustaphonics, The Charles Napiers, The Diaboliks, etc), Mark Braby (Vic Goddard & Subway Sect, The Charles Napiers etc.) and Mick Cocksedge (The Untamed, Cordwood Draggers and The Dead Bone Ramblers etc.), each carving their own name on the musical hall of doom! A line-up change here and there has seen the band's sound get a lot heavier, now they hit like a radioactive fist! and maybe a whole lot scarier! Their third release on Spinout Nuggets, 'Attack Of The Voo-Dooms' will hit you like a Roswell rocket! Again! Six original tunes; some sci-fi mixed with scary dreams, neanderthal pounding drums, and you'll get to hear some out of this world Theremin (by special guest star Jo-Jo-A-Go Go), some fuzz guitars and plenty of outrageous rhythms to melt the minds of any martians! A must for all you crazy cavemen & martians! Limited to 300 copies.