Veneman En De Groot
Zonder Rafels Geen Ziel
"Neo-smartlappen" from The City of Light: Nick Cave meets Corry Konings! Woody Veneman and Truus de Groot are both bona fide legends of the Eindhoven music scene. Eindhoven, also called Rockcity is known to be a bed of new and challenging sounds dating back to the earliest of electronica murmurings at Philips Electronics NatLab. Both Woody and Truus have been active in a broad variety of genres, never afraid to tread into the unknown. Using their vast backgrounds of experimental and traditional sounds, they come together tapping into the Dutch phenomena of "smartlappen." Comes in luxurious UV gloss cover with silver foil finish and on 140gr purple vinyl. Electronica pioneer Truus de Groot's career started at the beginning of the punk rock craze in 1976 in The Netherlands. She started out as a vocalist and lyric writer as a member of Nasmak. Experimental electronic instruments became part of her passion. She established cult favorite Plus Instruments in 1978 which is an ongoing project to present day. Eventually it led her to design her own instruments. Her path has been a long and winding road around the world, collaborating with all types of people in a variety of genres and cultures. In 2015 she established Blue Beast with her Brazilian collaborator Miguel Barella. During the pandemic she also started an ongoing collaboration with Cosmo Vitelli. She is always looking for a new challenge, as she continues to seek exciting ways to express herself creatively through music, words, photography and film. Eindhoven-based Woody Veneman is a composer and singer-songwriter, creator of analog techno, visual designer and gallery owner. He travelled to New York as a singing chair, played with Selim Lemouchi & His Enemies and was praised by Nick Cave for his version of 'No Pussy Blues.' Veneman is remarkably prolific and driven by an incontrollable urge to create and innovate: "Theres always something you havent made yet."