Sound And Action, Vol. 4 (2cd)
'GERMAN HARDROCK & HEAVY METAL RARITIES' - Oliver Butz, publisher of the cult fanzine Sound & Action, and Neudi (musician, journalist) have joined forces for the fourth time, to spend many months digging up rare and forgotten bands/songs from the history of German hard rock and heavy metal. The sources include self-produced albums, singles and EPs as well as sampler contributions (mostly very local) and studio demo tapes. This material has been carefully restored and mastered for this double CD, so that the sound quality is astonishing despite the once low budget. The greatest difficulty, however, was once again finding living musicians of the bands included... Volume 4 of this compilation series shows once again that German heavy metal was not only relevant in the early eighties and then again with the rise of thrash metal. Even though the attention of the press and some fans in the eighties was all too often drawn to the USA (and previously England), quality continued to be delivered from Germany. In the nineties, there were plenty of bands that continued to play a traditional style. As previously, the booklet contains liner notes and illustrations for each of the 34 contributions. Tracklist TBA.