Des Jeunes Gens Modernes 2
'1978-1983'. CD in DIGIPACK plus a 32-page booklet. Between the late 70s and mid-80s, in the wake of the punk wave and in parallel to other types of music like disco, funk, ska and reggae, a prolific and chaotic music scene began to develop in France, combining the energy of rock and the nihilism of punk with electronic experimentation. This is the long awaited follow up to 'Jeunes Gens Modernes, Volume 1', including five killer unissued tracks from the vaults of French '80s post punk and cold wave. TRACKS: 1. ADN CKRYSTALL - Mini Romance* 2. X RAY POP - La Machine à Rêver 3. ELI & JACNO - Les Tarots (Les Nuits De La Pleine Lune) 4. LES FILS DE JOIE - Les Plaisirs Chers 5. LES STAGIAIRES - Airport 6. MEDIKAO - WC Boy* 7. LA BANDE AU COL ROULE - 60 Amor* 8. RADIO ROMANCE - Étrange Affinité 9. A.R.T - Foolish Virgin 10.KAS PRODUCT - Holycow* 11.FRANTZ KULTUR & LES KRAMES - Ultime Atome 12.MECA RYTHM - Night Virus* 13.PERSPECTIVE NEVSKI - Un Billet Pour l'Éternité* * = PREVIOUSLY UNISSUED