What's For Dinner?
TMA's 1983 debut LP reissued on hand-poured white and pink vinyl, sold separately from the box set! Only 100 numbered copies produced. "'What's For Dinner?' arrived after the addition of singer David Oldfield, which necessitated the adjustment of the initials to Too Many Assholes. But this is speedy, tense thrashcore with songs like 'What's For Dinner?,' the title track: "Mrs Paul's fish sticks! Spaghetti and meatball Chef Boyardee! Greasy Tony's trashcan steak!" If it hadn't already been taken, they could've titled this one 'Young, Loud And Snotty.' 'What's For Dinner?' was a fun, potent burst of hardcore that still sounds pretty cool in the here-and-now. And now you can get TMA in a limited hand-poured edition. Which is also pretty fuckin' cool." ~Tim Stegall, Ugly Things, 40th Anniversary Edition (Nov. 2023).