Three Second Kiss
From Fire I Save The Flame
'From Fire I Save The Flame' is the seventh and long-awaited work by Three Second Kiss, a power trio with a long history of international collaborations (Steve Albini and June Of 44 above all), also distributed back at the time by Southern and Dischord records. 9 tracks (+ 2 instrumental intermissions) released by Overdrive records, filling a recording silence that lasted 12 years, thus rekindling that electric fire that has sculpted the sound of the band over the years, made of dynamic connections between bass and drums, and piercing and emotional guitars. 'From Fire I Saved The Flame' delivers us a series of even more fluid and lyrical songs, a tense and inspired composition, vibrant with a renewed energy that feeds on opposites: tension and release, melody and dissonance, heart and brain. And for the occasion the trio wanted Don Zientara at the mixer to best capture this new state of form. Who better than the sound engineer of Fugazi and many Dischord bands could make the sound of Three Second Kiss so vivid!