Sonic Shamen
Tribute To Lemmy (2lp+cd/pink/red)
Sonic Shamen features Dr. Space (Oresund Space Collective) with members from a.o. Litmus, Earthling Society and Red Elektra, who got together to record at the Foel Studios in Wales. The included bonus-CD offers a 74-minute jam which includes Hawkwind's Dave Anderson, who also happens own the studio. The opening track is a bit of take on '7 By 7' by Hawkwind. Side B sounds like it could have been recorded by Sam Gopal. This is followed by a freaky nasty R&R jam that would make Lemmy smile (hope). Side C contains an eastern-tinged psych track while Side D shows the most heavy moments of these jam sessions. All the tracks were recorded live with no overdubs. DOUBLE-LP on PINK and RED VINYL.