Ruff Majik
2019 album by South African band Ruff Majik. In a small, secluded mining town in rural South Africa, three friends heard the call of the void, and spat fuzz back at it. Thus, Ruff Majik was born, and the adventure of sex, drugs and mostly rock'n'roll began. Ruff Majik set sail to Pretoria, South Africa, where they've become infamous for their lively shows and aggressive on stage persona. With their brand of what they call "stoner rock/sludge'n'roll" they move between slow grooves and breakneck speeds in the blink of an eye, with live shows being described as 'whiplash inducing'. Consisting of three members, Johni Holiday, Jimmy Glass and Ben Manchino make up The Atomic Trinity, the relentless noise machine that is Ruff Majik (blessed be the name)..