No Threats Allowed
The album covers a lot of territory throughout its succinct rampage. Not only does Rainswept deliver the expected classic hardcore sound, the influence from more contemporary styles, along with some metal vibes, pushes its way to the forefront, culminating in the band's most vicious material yet. 'No Threats Allowed' blends various musical tastes from classic NYHC to edgier notes of '90s metal, featuring fast riffs, two-step parts, and breakdowns. Conceptually, it serves as a declaration of intent, a manifesto. Years of sick and toxic social dynamics, both in personal life and even within the music scene, have led this band from Rome to feel the need to create a safe space, where the foundation lies in self-reflection and interaction with others. Only by respecting each individual's mental well-being can there be collective improvement. For fans of Madball, Drain, Terror, Incendiary.