Pensees Nocturnes
Only one year after 'Vacuum', PENSEES NOCTURNES (Nocturnal Thoughts) release their second damaging effect, 'Grotesque'. While maintaining a chaotic, avant-gardist, deranged, even grotesque or weird melancholy, Vaerohn takes us through fun fairs, grandiloquent church organs, philharmonic orchestras, brass bands, piano decadence, dissonant or depressive black metal riffs, or even post black, crazy voice, clear as opposed to the usual standards, or screwed and dissonant guitar solos. Everything moves on, intermixes and disentangles, contrasts and that is what makes the music so personal, complete and surprising. Each song is a rich and peculiar piece, where each atmosphere, arranging, melody, transition, regression, deconstruction is carefully thought, which makes this album an artwork you rediscover each time you listen to it!