
Hymn To Pan (2lp)

Io Pan, Io Pan , Io Pan!! The wild hunt through Arcadia's harsh mountains is about to begin. Battle call you say? Well, while sinking into Obelyskkh's new opus maximus this could be the first impression coming to mind. And not off the rails that is. The new album by Franconian stalwarts Obelyskkh combines the monstrous riffage they're known for since their 2012 album "White Lightnin'" with a new approach to songwriting. Retrieving their sound in a much more thronging way than ever before Obelyskkh seem to be picking up speed and urgency. And this not only musically but also in their pure existence. "Hymn To Pan" was fully recorded just a few months after its predecessor "White Lightnin'" but already showing quite a few new facets of the band. Of course, parts are still there - the bridging leads sit enthroned on swarm-like riffage, vocals meander between cutting serenity and harsh shrieks, giving the music enough time to breathe and adding an unusual element to what you would expect from a band coming out of the sludge/ psychedelic rock scene. So far so familiar. But it doesn't end here. Obelyskkh manage the impossible at ease: maintaining a trademark while simultaneously adding another complexity, another approach, another dimension and thus reaching freedom in a stunning way. It's a rare treat nowadays and a venture to unbuckle yourself from expectations and strictly focus on an organic creation - especially for a band existing only for a few years (but already having 3 albums under their belt). In Greek mythology, Pan is the god of the wild, shepherds and flocks, nature of mountain wilds, hunting and rustic music, and companion of the nymphs. We do not really put this into nexus here, do we? Just give this album a spin and you'll understand how the approach and attitude seems to form itself in utter sound hedonism, but not denying content. From this perspective "Hymn To Pan" remains indeed a battle call, loud, aggressive and in roaring manner, but rooted in a fearless presentation of something precise, something conceived. "Hymn To Pan" was mastered by the mighty Brad Boatright (Sleep, Tragedy, High On Fire, From Ashes Rise, Integrity among many others).

€ 26.95
LP - 2 disk
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