Morricone, Ennio
Le Foto Proibite Di Una Signora Per Bene O.s.t.
'Le Foto Proibite Di Una Signora Per Bene' (Forbidden Photos Of A Lady Above Suspicion) is a 1970 giallo film directed by Luciano Ercoli ('La Morte Accarezza A Mezzanotte' and 'La Polizia Ha Le Mani Legate' are probably his most popular cult works among fans of the thriller/police genre) starring the German-born actress Dagmar Lassander. Yet another soundtrack that remained unpublished for decades and rediscovered only at the end of the '90s, 'Le Foto Proibite...' is a very varied work in which Ennio Morricone, as usual, manages to adapt his scores to light-hearted ('Allegretto Per Signora,' 'Intermezzino Pop,' 'Secondo Intermezzino Pop'), romantic ('Le Foto Proibite Di Una Signora Per Bene,' 'Amore Come Dolore,' 'Quelle Foto') and hectic moments ('Qui Ci Scappa Il Morto,' 'Bella, Cara, Dolce, Buona Mogliettina Per Bene,' 'Caduta Nel'Inconscio,' 'Nel Vuoto') that the movie consists of. An excellent work for a cult film of Italian genre cinema. This time reissued on clear pink vinyl, with remastered audio.