Moral Order
The Empty Cross
'The Empty Cross' is the fourth full length album of the Hispanic project Moral Order. On this LP, O. Paíno elaborates an acoustic exegesis based on the work of the famous German thinker Friedrich W. Nietzsche, delving into their interpretation of the books 'The Gay Science', 'Thus Spoke Zarathustra', 'The Antichrist' and 'The Will To Power'. God has died, and western values must be reformed in a world dominated by chaos and crisis of principles. The cross is empty. The farce is over. 'The Empty Cross' includes a collection of songs that stand out for their skillful and careful instrumental execution based on purely analogue sounds, in which Moral Order covers genres as contrasted as power electronics and dark ambient. The result causes a very balanced relaxation of forces that makes this album commendable as well as wild, where fury and ritual essence intertwine creating a solid and unique work in its style. Limited edition of 300 copies with die-cut cover insert, including digital download code.