Mighty Mike Omb
The Blues Of...
Mighty Mike is the drummer/singer of Voodoo Rhythm band The Juke Joint Pimps as well as drummer in Stag-O-Lee two-piece Grits 'n Gravy. For years he is also on the road doing his one-man-band thing, playing drums, guitar, harp and singing at the same time. 'The Blues Of...', his debut release on Stag-O-Lee, is the essence of a recording sesson that yielded eight tracks of which four can be found on this 33rpm 7-inch EP. No overdubs, no fancy knob-twiddling, just great blues-trash Voodoo Rhythm-style! He covers B.B.King ('Never Make Your Move Too Soon') and Billy Boy Arnold ('I Wish You Would') as well as offering two of his own songs ('I Ain't Got You' and 'Eat For Me'). Comes in a stylish picture cover.