It Dockumer Lokaeltsje
Alles Is Goed
Even before they would become a disruptive force on the Dutch rock scene, with their albums 'Wil Met U Neuken' and 'Moddergat', the still young members of It Dockumer Lokaeltsje were admirers of Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft. In 1981 these Düsseldorf-based electro-punks created a stir with their acclaimed record 'Alles Ist Gut'. In their best known track 'Der Mussolini', a massive alternative dance hit, Gabi Delgado-López en Robert Görl dared to provocatively link totalitarianism with Christianity. In 1987 It Dockumer Lokaeltsje recorded a cover version of 'Der Räuber Und Der Prinz', the most tantalizing gay ballad ever written. Now, three decades later, the band have put all 10 vintage DAF tracks through the wringer. Lovingly and, of course, in the Frisian language!