Grossi, Andrea -blend 3- + Beatrice Arrigoni
Songs And Poems
'Songs And Poems' is a project born from the necessity to explore, in a chamber dimension, the possibilities of the sound of the word. The quartet joins Blend 3 - the trio of Andrea Grossi with Manuel Caliumi and Michele Bonifati - to the voice of Beatrice Arrigoni and finds its personal dimension within a sound world generated by the fusion of 20th century European traditions, starting from improvised music and European jazz, passing through contemporary music until arriving in echoes of progressive rock, noise, and ambient. An aspect on which the research of this group is based is the relationship between the human voice and instruments, in particular the instrumental use of the voice and the translation of vocal inflections and possibilities onto instruments. The compositional architecture of the poetic text can also suggest that of the musical writing, avoiding a constant coloristic evocation, in favor of a deep research, based on structural affinities: abstract episodes with a visionary flavor are mixed with more punctual and scientific interventions. To each poet, Emily Dickinson and E.E. Cummings in this case, corresponds a different compositional style aimed at emphasizing and praising the uniqueness of each "voice".