Dooz Kawa
Nomad's Land
Dooz Kawa returns with his fifth album, 'Nomad's Land,' whose common thread is travel, a beautiful physical escape but above all spiritual and philosophical. This album is intended to be dreamlike and full of hope despite the rapper's sometimes difficult observation. On this record made of cheerful sadness, Dooz Kawa speaks to us in thirteen songs about happiness and what binds us. For the occasion, he invites Gaël Faye, Davodka, Swift Guad, Degiheugi, Shantel, and mandolin specialist Vincent Beer Demander. Everything is interspersed with interludes with Dorian Astor, international lecturer and European expert on Nietzsche. It is clear that no matter the time that passes, no matter the years that pass or the age that advances, the words of Dooz Kawa, alone or accompanied, always have the same effect.