Cooper, Andy
Here Comes Another One/the Perfect Definition
This rare 12" outing from Rocafort Records features the rapping and production talents of Andy Cooper (Ugly Duckling/The Allergies). Taken from the forthcoming album 'The Layered Effect', both tracks throw you around the hip hop boxing ring, slapping you hard with the prerequisites needed for microphone supremacy. Lyrically tough and musically nimble, Andy swings at you somewhere between the artful dodger and a heavyweight pugilist. The irresistably bouyant 'Here Comes Another One' opens by means of an elegant old jazz trumpet whose player states "rhythm is my business." Get the picture? It's a choppy, jazztastic journey. Cleverly underpinned by a gorgeous jazz piano, horns, sharp beats and aural treats, suddenly mashed up by a reggae toasting session on speed courtesy of Blabbermouf. 'The Perfect Definition' has a heavier step and a more serious punch. Fresh and funky attitude meets a deeply earnest reverence towards microphone art, a theme echoed throughout the LP and cherisheddearly by Cooper.