Autour De La Lune (2cd)
Biosphere's Geir Jenssen knows from cold. Residing as he does near the Arctic Circle in Norway, Jenssen understands the psychological implications of a sun that, like a lamented deadbeat parent, routinely disappears for months at a time, and the absence of that essential lifeforce takes an inevitable emotional toll that informs Jenssen's art. His latest trip into the beyond started when French radio commissioned Jenssen to create a piece using their archives. He selected sounds from a radio dramatization of Jules Verne's space travel story 'De La Terre A La Lune' ("From The Earth To The Moon") and pulled additional material from recordings made at the MIR space station, then combined the fragments with his own music. The result is 'Autour De La Lune', a single 74-minute piece in nine movements.