Banco Del Mutuo Soccorso
Orlando: Le Forme Dell'amore
There could not have been a better time and occasion for Banco Del Mutuo Soccorso to celebrate their 50th anniversary and at the same time to release perhaps their most ambitious concept album since 'Darwin,' their second 1972 record. The new album is titled 'Orlando: Le Forme Dell'Amore.' Vittorio Nocenzi worked for years on the musical concept of this album together with his son Michelangelo and lyricist Paolo Lugli. Narrating a real 14th century poem through several songs and describing the facts and ideals was a mountain to climb. The result of immense studio work is fully represented in an epic album that will set new standards for progressive rock fans. Undoubtedly Banco has always been strongly linked to its roots, but 'Orlando: Le Forme Dell'Amore' is a definitive proof of how traditional prog rock can evolve into a new and modern blend of sounds and spirit. Singing only in Italian (as they already did in 'Transiberiana') confirms the will of the band to remain faithful to their culture. To help fans understand and better follow the lyrics to better understand and follow the lyrics track by track, the English translations of the lyrics are included in the artwork, together with the original texts in Italian. Additionally, the band will host on their website a detailed explanation of the entire concept and narrative of the album. For the cover Banco used the iconic 'Salvadanaio,' which has become the logo and the symbol of the band.