Ambassador Hazy
Leaving Here
'Leaving Here' is hallucinatory lightning in a bottle - it is the sound of sunny summer days passing by and old friends coming and going, and psychedelics slipping in and out of your mind in vast quantities. Each song is an acid soaked rabbit hole which sucks you in and leaves you immersed in an unusual sonic world projected before you in brilliant technicolour. Musically each song veers between bright sunshine fuzzy soaked pop and dark warping druggy-tinged nightmares that is the USA in 2024. It quickly becomes clear that Ambassador Hazy is an artist driven by an expansive musical vision; one which feels as sumptuous as it is otherworldly. Immaculately bright and infectiously catchy psych pop gems packed full of odd detours and abrupt freakish left turns. The songs here are far too densely packed with way too many ideas for them to ever sound uninteresting or bland, each passage is a triumph of an expansive musical vision; one which feels as sumptuous as it is otherworldly. 'Leaving Here' expands upon what Ambassador Hazy has experimented upon their previous releases, that sense of wonder and outlandish that leaves you immersed in a wonderful landscape of hypnotic, transcendental sounds and surrealistic lyrics. On the surface, 'Leaving Here' is a psych pop album, but when you peel back the outer layers, you're left with something that feels far beyond this world. Think all your favourite fuzzy bands on a nice, big, psychedelic drug cocktail. Limited to 250 copies on clear vinyl. Co-release with Feeding Tube Records.