Antonius Rex
Hystero Demonopathy
After the impressive 'Switch On Dark' (2006) and the esoteric doom work 'Per Viam' (2009) based on mystic songs composed between 2007-2008 by Antonio Bartoccetti and Doris Norton, Antonius Rex releases 'Hystero Demonopathy'. This shocking album once again analyses the invisible forces, and demonic and hysteric possessions. The band's new member, Rexanthony, plays keyboards, piano, variuos synthesizers, sets drum machines lines and arranges. 'Hystero Demonopathy' exudes a series of no rational blue-black visions, sometimes heavenly, sometimes terrifying. Musically 'Hystero Demonopathy' is a multisound-multistyles of concentrate fusion: gothic, classic, post-classic, dark, doom, metal, impressionist, progressive, post-progressive, after-rock.... with micro electronic inventions and perseverant events.